Modern Russia in the modern world
The foundation of Russia's glory is not the size of its territory, its natural resources or its military power, but rather its human resources, its people. Providing these people with a decent life and opportunities for prosperity is the main goal of domestic and foreign policy. Russia must return the image of a peaceful country and use this peacefulness to ensure economic growth. External aggression, territorial disputes and hybrid wars are simply means by which a bunch of high-handed bribetakers tries to stay in power.
We must stop all wars, explicit and implicit. We don't need them, they lead to losses of our citizens, they are expensive, they make us poor.
— Alexey Navalny
Foreign policy strategy of the country must be primarily aimed at well-being and growth of welfare of its citizens, making the economy more competitive. The status of a great power can be lost irretrievably if Russia doesn't prove its economic soundness that is based not on sales of oil and gas, but on competitive ability, extensive participation in global chains of added value and development of post-industrial sectors.
- Russia's primary goal on international arena is decreasing the tensions in the relations with EU, USA and Ukraine. For that, we need immediately conduct conferences on the entire range of reciprocal claims and problems in the relations with these countries — Russia's main partners on the international arena.
- Russia will return to the policy of unconditioned commitment to fulfil its obligations on previously signed agreements. One-sided violation of these obligations has resulted in colossal harm to Russia's international positions and long-term interests.
- The status of Crimea is the problem that the new democratic Russia will inherit from its former government. Russia«s position on this problem will be determined by the recognition of the right of Crimea„s citizens to determine their own destiny.
- We need to firmly withdraw from support of dictatorships and unsupported regimes around the world, stop providing them with aid and loans and then wring off these loans, stop supporting separatists, rebels and opposition parties across the globe to satisfy political ambitions of certain people. The main ambition Russian government should have is to turn Russia int a modern prosperous nation.
- Russia«s unique geographic location makes it possible and necessary to develop processes of economic integration in three directions: 1) economic integration on the post-soviet space (development of EurAsEC), 2) expansion of mutually beneficial integration with the EU and 3) stimulation of integration processes in the Far East (Japan, South Korea, China). These three integrations must be harmonized, not opposed to each other.
- Russia must return to the ideology of strategic partnership and integration with countries og the EU based on the concept of «four common spaces». The ultimate goal should be the creation of a free-trade zone between EU and EurAsEC. As part of this strategy, negotiations about introducing a non-visa regime between Russia and EU must be intensified.
- Russia will rereview the format of its participation in the international anti-terrorism coalition: political support of Bashar a-Assad's regime and other similar regimes is not the priority of Russian foreign policy, does not comply with the long-term interests of Russia and lowers the effectiveness of fight against terrorism.
- Russia will introduce visa regime with the countries of Middle Asia and Transcaucasia and radically simplify the legal procedures required to receive a work permit in Russia for citizens of developed countries.